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Arrangementer og orkestreringer til film, teater og musicals, samt til solister og bands.

God orkestrering kræver stor indlevelse i og forståelse af komponistens eller solistens materiale.
Som arrangør og orkestrator er den vigtigste opgave at være loyal overfor komponistens eller solistens materiale og ideer.
På denne måde skabes et tillidsfuldt samarbejde, der i sidste ende sikrer et godt og professionelt resultat.


Rasmus Bosse har arrangeret til et hav af solister, orkestre og film, i forbindelse med koncerter såvel som CD-indspilninger og diverse TV-shows. Mere end 20 film og tv serier, heriblandt Stieg Larsson trilogien ”Mænd der hader kvinder”, ”Pigen der legede med ilden” og ”luftkastellet som blev sprængt”.




Solister & Bands:



Lars H.U.G

Allan Olsen

Rasmus Seebach

Barbara Moleko

Peter A.G.

Michael Falch

Rasmus Walter

Pernille Rosendahl

Søs Fenger


Claus Hempler


Sinne Eeg

Chris Minh Doky

Henrik Goldschmith



Bo Skovhus

Louise Friboe

Susanne Elmark

Bamse & Kylling

Kaj & Andrea



Jacob Groth

Jeppe Kaas

Frans Bak

Halfdan E

Søren Hyldgaard

Sune Martin

Anthony Lledo

Bent Fabricius Bjerre

Basil Hogios





Orkestre & Kor:

Det Kongelige Kapel 

DR Symfoniorkester 

DR Underholdningsorkestret  

Sjællands Symfoniorkester 

Århus Symfoniorkester 

Odense Symfoniorkester 

Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester 

Ålborg Symfoniorkester 

Vestjysk Symfoniorkester 

Athelas Sinfonietta 

Malmø Symfoniorkester 

Slovak Symfoniorkester 

Prag Symfoniorkester 

Dresdner Philharmonie 

DR Ungdoms Ensemblet 

Den Kongelige Livgarde 

Prinsens Musikkorps 

Slesvigske Musikkorps 

Anthonelly Orchestra 

DR Big Band 

Aarhus Jazz Orchestra 

Den Danske Strygekvartet 

Københavns Blæserkvintet 

Den Jyske Operas Kor 

DR Pigekor 

Konservatoriets Pigekor 

DR Koncertkor


Edition Wilhelm Hansen AS



Dansk Sang

Clio Online


Campaign Name

Sound Design

Campaign Name

Original Music


Network Name


Network Name


Anthony Lledo  Film Composer

”I have used Rasmus Bosse as orchestrator on two feature film projects – both times with great success. ‘Frostbite’ (Sweden), which won the ‘Best Score’ award at the Screamfest Film Festival in Hollywood in 2006 and ‘Newsmakers’ (Russia/Sweden) which was recorded by the Danish National Chamber Orchestra in 2008. Rasmus is a very competent and experienced orchestrator/arranger, who always delivers on time – my highest recommendations!” 

Bent Fabricius Bjerre Composer

“In connection with the theatrical production of my film musical ‘Forelsket i København’, I collaborated closely with Rasmus Bosse. He arranged the music for the Danish National Chamber Orchestra. Concurrently, the task was to update the nearly 40 years old melodies and to give them a new sound. Rasmus was completely successful in this regard. He wrote a series of cheery and energetic scores, which will keep the melodies alive for years to come. Thanks, Rasmus!” 

Jacob Groth  Composer

“Rasmus Bosse is a very disciplined and creative orchestrator and arranger. His energy is infectious and he is always in a good mood. I can strongly recommend Rasmus for any job, which requires the best!On my latest grand project - the music for the Stieg Larsson films - Rasmus definitely lived up to my expectations.” 

Sigurd Barrett Pianist, Entertainer & TV Anchor

“I have had several tracks by Leo Mathisen arranged

by Rasmus Bosse and have been excited about his work. Especially the arrangement of ‘The 24 Robbers’ passes the difficult test of making a rhythmic track

work for a symphony orchestra. I have had great pleasure playing this arrangement with numerous Danish regional symphony orchestras.” 

Chris Minh Doky Producer and Bass Player

“I have had great success in using Rasmus Bosse as an string quartet arranger on two productions with vocalist Sinne Eeg: ‘Kun en drøm’ and ‘Remembering You’. Rasmus has a distinct touch for string instruments, a broad conception of genres and he can make a string quartet fill out a production in just the right way. I can highly recommend his excellent craftsmanship.” 


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